Baby’s teething
Baby is growing

Baby’s teething

Teething is a very important new stage in baby’s life. It occurs at around 6 months and can pass by unnoticed or may cause discomfort and pain which makes baby irritable. Baby teeth will appear one by one until the age of about 3. During this period it is very important to take good care of baby’s teeth so that they learn to do the same themselves!

How do I know baby is teething?

During teething baby may dribble a lot and have red cheeks. If they are sensitive, they may start to cry and even eat and sleep less.

How can I help soothe baby?

How can I help soothe baby?

There are a few solutions to help soothe baby:

  • Give them a clean rubber toy to chew on or a teething ring (keep it in the fridge as the cold temperature will be even more effective)
  • if necessary, apply a special gum balm


Which solutions should be avoided?

The internet is littered with advice which is not necessarily always correct… Here are a few examples that are not recommended:

  • Hazel and amber necklaces which may be ingested
  • Teething rusks which encourage tooth decay
  • Raw vegetables which baby may swallow
How should I care for baby’s first teeth?

How should I care for baby’s first teeth?

As soon as baby’s first tooth appears, you can clean it twice a day with a soft toothbrush and suitable toothpaste. It is also recommended that you gently brush baby’s gums.

How can I prevent tooth decay?

Tooth decay is never harmless, even if it does not cause any pain and is on a milk tooth. If you spot tooth decay, take baby to the dentist.
But before you get to this stage, here are a few rules to stick to that will help prevent tooth decay:

  • Restrict the number of sweet drinks that baby has and do not leave them a bottle to suck on during the night.
  • Do not put baby’s dummies or spoons into your own mouth before giving them to baby.
  • Clean baby’s teeth twice a day.
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